
If you would like to add an event you are putting on to the Age Against the Machine, A Festival of Creative Ageing programme, you can apply for accreditation by filling out this form. Once accredited, you’ll be able to add a listing for your event to the festival website and download a toolkit to help you promote your event.

To be included your event must:

Take place within the borough of Lewisham between 13 September and 6 October 2019.
Clearly link to themes of the festival which celebrates the creativity of older people and the power of the arts to positively impact quality of life as we age.
All fields marked * are required

Your Details

Your Name*
Organisation (if appropriate)
Email address*
Phone number
Create Password*
Repeat Password*

Your Event

Event Name*
Description of your event (max 300 words)*

*I accept Age Against the Machine privacy policy (link later)